
Monday, March 9, 2015

ThinkFun Shell Game

Shell Game


  • 1 Challenge booklet
  • 1 Instruction and solution booklet
  • 6 Colorful hermit crabs
  • 3 Gray Stones
  • 6 Hiding shells

Game Play:

To play the Shell Game by ThinkFun it is very simple to get started. All you have to do is look at the upper strip and lay out the pattern. After you are ready, cover the pieces. Here comes the hard part. Without looking, you have to follow the pre-determinded paths and end up with the bottom pattern.

For example on challenge number five, you start out with stone, blue b, yellow c, green d, and stone. Now comes the challenge. You have to cover each piece with a shell and remember which is which. Following the paths that is pre-determined, you goal is to get the pieces to match the bottom pattern which is greed d, stone, yellow c, stone, and blue b. As simple as this sounds, with so many rocks and colored stones, both my girls and my self found it difficult to keep track of each color and each path.


  • Memory 
  • Focusing
  • Tracking
  • Thinking


  • Nothing unless you are not a fan of focusing. In that case, you really need to play this game more.
  • The Challenge book is made out of hard paper stock. Basically you need to play on a hard surface or else all the pieces will slip all around. 


  • If a little child comes and asks to play, let them. Let them play the game only without the hidden shells. Although they will not be building their memory skills, having to move the pieces along the paths and getting from one pattern to the next will help build fine motor skills in addition to hand eye coordination and some beginner math skills.
  • If you have a friend who has the same game, get together one night and have races. Pick a few challenges and see who can complete them first. It will be fun to make this a multiple player game. 

Age Range:

  • Ages 8+

Bottom Line:

I feel the only way kids should learn is though play. When they think they are playing but are really learning, they end up grasping the material better. Some skills are harder to teach though play like building up memory or helping kids focus for longer periods of time. ThinkFun changed all of that through their Shell Game. She Shell Game is all about focusing and memory. Through trying to change one pattern and coming out with a different pattern, kids are not only having to remember multiple variables, but also taking  the time to focus on the next move.

I have played this game with my girls and they love it. At first they laughed at me saying how easy it was but then again they were only on the first challenge card. Now they are on to harder cards and I watch them pushing their way through to solve the puzzle. It looks much easier then it is. That is the way I like it. My girls are playing and learning new skills at the same time.

If you would like to more about ThinkFun feel free to visit them at:

To purchase the Shell Game feel free to clink on the link

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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