
Monday, March 9, 2015

Amelia Bedelia Rocket Scientist

Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist?
Written By: Herman Parish
Pictures By: Lynn Sweat


As an older child, I was really fond of Amelia Bedelia and her books. Unfortunately, I had to wait to be more of an advanced reader to read them. When I saw this book, I bought it and was thrilled. This is an Amelia Bedilia book written for children ready to read books all by themselves.

Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist? starts off when Amelia Bedila puts science professor Mr. Rogers seeing glasses in the dishwasher with the rest of the glasses. As he is trying to reprimand her, she runs out to give a hand at the local school science fair. Being the silly funny lady who she is, as she is about to get her work she meet judge professor Dr. Dinglebatt. He told him that Mr. Rogers called her a rocket scientist and offered to help him judge the science fair. Being totally impressed, they start seeing the projects.

One child made a volcano while another did a telescope. Another child created a UFO and another a cleaning robot. As the professor and Amelia Bedila are going around, as usually we get to see how silly and funny Amelia Bedila really is. For example she got scared when she heard about an exploding volcano and offered her hat for another experiment. This book is not only fun for children to read, but they will learn a thing or two about science.

At the end of the book when Amelia Bedelia and the professor is looking for a winner, while trying to help another student, Amelia Bedelia accidentally ruins the experiment and the professors fake hair fell off. Of course this made him really mad and he stormed out of the room. It is not up to Amelia Bedila to help fix the problem and make things right.


  • Funny
  • Silly
  • Amelia Bedilia
  • Some Illustrations to keep it more inviting
  • I cannot find any, unless your child is scared of a good laugh.
  • As this is a really silly book, after your child reads the book, you can both try to make the volcano at home. It is very simple in a vessel, add some vinegar and baking soda wait for it to bubble over. If you are more creative, you can try making the "lava" red with food coloring or even making a volcano out of clay. As you and your child are making it, talk to your child about some of the mistakes in the book and how you guys are doing it correctly. This will not only be a great time to bond and learn chemistry, but also a nice way to problem solve.
  • If your child is reading this, they are ready to read alone. If you still want time to bond with your child, suggest you take turns reading out loud. You can both take turns reading two sides of the page at a time. You will not only be bonding over reading, but this is a good opportunity to give them a point or two if you see a mistake.
Age Range:

  • 7-10
  • Pre-Chapter Books
  • Child can read alone
Bottom Line

This book is an amazing book for your little reader a he advances to independent reading. It is not only funny with some educational tidbits along the way, many children can relate to Amelia Bedelia. She is a women trying to do her best. As she goes along her day, she makes innocent mistakes based on the way she misinterprets what is said. After all how many of the mistakes our children make are done e with the best intention in mind?

*If you are inserted in ordering  Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist?, click the book above. 
for details click below

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