
Monday, March 9, 2015

Giants and Pygmy Race Buried Side by Side in Shawneetown Illinois

Giants and Pygmy Race Buried Side by Side at Shawneetown, Illinois

St. Louis Republic, November 29, 1903

      Harrisburg, Ill. While digging a well on the old Inmann factory lot, near Shawneetown, a few days ago, Sanford K. Jenkins unearthed several skeletons and old Indian relics. In a space 8 feet square Jenkins took out fourteen skeletons and six vessels of different sizes. One peculiar and remarkable thing about the skeletons were the size. One skeleton was that of a giant, which measured fully 8 feet in height, while right near this one was found the skull of an adult not larger than that of a 4-year-old child and was perhaps the remains of a pigmy. While the ground is near the old Indian mound and is supposed to have been the burying-ground of the Indians in early days, it is thought by some of the older citizens that they were buried over a thousand years ago, before Indians inhabited this country. 
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